YA(YAQ)系列高效重型振动筛产品介绍:YA(YAQ)振动筛产品介绍:YA(YAQ)系列圆振动筛是本公司制造的高效振动筛,振幅强弱可调节,物料筛淌线长,多层筛分,各档规格筛选清晰,筛分效率高。适宜采石场筛分砂石料,也可供选煤、选矿、建材、电力及化工等行业作产品分级用。 进料粒度:- 生产能力:150-950t/h 应用领域:各种软、中硬矿石,建筑垃圾,尾矿,钢渣 ![]()
YA(YAQ)系列高效重型双偏心轴稀油圆振动筛可供煤炭、冶金、矿山、电力、水利等行业,是对煤、矿石、焦炭、砂石等散装物料进行粒度分级的高效率筛分机械,是企业的核心产品。YA(YAQ)系列圆振动筛是通过轴偏心及块偏心的偏心质量产生的离心力,使筛箱产生振动,筛箱的运动轨迹近似圆形,圆振动筛的筛面为倾斜布置(筛面倾角20°),当筛面做圆形轨迹振动时,物料也随着筛面的反复抛起又落下,并向前运动小于筛孔的颗粒即可通过筛孔分离到筛下,大于筛孔的颗粒继续向前至排料端排出。降低成本并节约能源。通过HP系列圆锥破碎机若以较低的速度运转,就可以改变产品的级配以生产较少的细料,生产更优的产品产量更高。 YA(YAQ) series high efficiency heavy duty double eccentric shaft thin oil circular vibrating screen can be used in coal, metallurgy, mining, electric power, water conservancy and other industries, it is a high efficiency screening machine for size classification of bulk materials such as coal, ore, coke, sand and gravel, it is the core product of the enterprise. When the screen surface vibrates in a circular shape, the material is thrown up and down repeatedly with the screen surface, and the particles that are smaller than the holes can be separated from the screen through the holes, and the particles that are larger than the holes can be discharged at the discharge end. This reduces costs and saves energy. By running the HP Series Cone Crusher at a lower speed, the product gradation can be changed to produce less fines, producing a better product with higher throughput. |